artist of the Week

Torrance Richmond, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art
mediums, photography, pencil drawings

Concert Choir, soprano

Drama Guild, Xanadu (Ensemble, Siren Dancer)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The RB Fine Arts is a place where I can really express myself through my art and performing. I’m able to show more emotions through art than I normally would with my actions. It has helped me make friends and really connect with other people.

Favorite Memory

In my first visual art class at Roger Bacon my art was not at its best, but towards the end of the year I could see a real big difference in the way I draw now then a did before. I’ve always had a passion for drawing and found it relaxing. I also have gotten involved in choir. Singing was something I always loved but I didn’t sing a lot and being in Concert Choir gave me an excuse to just sing. I wouldn’t be able to see myself not involved in RB’s Fine Arts.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just do it! Even if you think you can’t - you can - because you can do anything as long as you tell yourself you can.

Future Plans

I’m hoping to continue to explore my art and maybe also some music.

Other Involvement & Interests

I have been a part of the Catholic Honors Choir for the last two years. I will also be apart of the up-coming musical Xanadu.

Torrance just sang for the Ash Wednesday Mass, has been a soloist with the choir, and was a participant in the Cincinnati Catholic Honor Choir.  You'll also be able to see her on stage with the Drama Guild in their upcoming production of "XANADU" where she's one of the featured dancers!

Use this link to see a video of Torrance and the Honors Choir

Joe Zlatic, Sophomore

Concert Band, saxophone, percussion
RB3, saxophone

Drama Guild, Spamalot (Robin's Minstrel, ensemble); Xanadu (Yougn Danny, ensemble)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love the freedom that I’ve received to chase my own goals. The Fine Arts at RB has offered me a place to pursue saxophone, while also being able to chase new things, such as drums and vocals.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was arranging and coordinating our band and winning the talent show. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do it!  A new instrument or art form, can be daunting, but it’s so rewarding - it's a universe of possibilities that opens up for you.

Future Plans

Not quite sure yet.  Maybe a teacher - maybe something with music.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also run Cross Country for RB in the fall.

Joe was just featured at the Wellness Wednesday Worship, has been a soloist with RB3, was a member of the winning "Freshmen Jamz Band" at last year's Talent Show, and will be a participant in the upcoming Cincinnati Catholic Honors Band.

You'll also be able to see him on stage with the Drama Guild in their upcoming production of "XANADU"

Vivian Klinczar, Freshman

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art
mediums, pencil sketches

Drama Guild, Xanadu (props)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts at RB help me express myself through
unique and creativity ways.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was watching the musical Spamalot. This made me realize how much time and effort goes into Drama productions. It truly showed how close of a community they were to put on that great of a show. It made me want to belong in this inclusive, creative and fun environment.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell them to go for it! The Fine Arts not only assists with making friends and a sense of belonging; but also gives you the ability to express yourself and to try new things.

Future Plans

I hope after RB to continue my education in some way.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play soccer for RB, and I am also in numerous clubs such as cosmetology, mock trial, French club, and Art club. I also babysit.

Vivian was one of this year's recipients of the Dannenfelser Visual Arts Scholarship.  She didn't wait to get involved in both the Visual Arts and Drama Guild.  You'll be able to see her work soon in the upcoming production of "Xanadu" and later in the Spring at the Fine Arts Festival.

Lucas Mantovani, Freshman

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art
mediums, graphite pencil

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts at RB are fun. I like spending hours on something that I can look at and be proud of.

Favorite Memory

Probably Intro to Studio Art with Mr. Hugenburg and making our Merged Animal projects.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved
in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Absolutely go for it. It’s not as scary as it seems and you learn a lot of cool things from the Visual Arts classes.

Future Plans

To maybe study pharmacy and chemistry to develop medicines.

Other Involvement & Interests

I will run for the RB Track Team in the spring.

Lucas was one of this year's recipients of the Dannenfelser Visual Arts Scholarship.  While he's just getting started in his RB art career, he's already turned in some amazing work!

Morgan Heinrich, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Drawing & Painting, 3D Art, Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography
mediums, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the RB Fine Arts because for me, it’s a way to let loose and use a different way of thinking than I usually do in my other classes. It’s really refreshing to have a way to express myself creatively on a daily basis. 

Favorite Memory

Actually, I really enjoyed going to see Pride and Prejudice this year. This was the first time I ever went to see an RB play, and I really loved it! You could tell that everyone worked so hard. The sets were beautiful and the actors were great. I was blown away with how professional the atmosphere was, and I just really loved the show!

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say that Fine Arts are a great way to just relax and put all of the stressors of your other classes aside. You may discover that you’re really good at something you never even saw yourself doing, or you might even discover a new passion that you’ll want to continue outside of Roger Bacon.

Future Plans

I will be going to Kent State University and majoring in Photography!

Other Involvement & Interests

I’m a Senior Leader and Co-President of the ASL Club.

Congratulations to Morgan for her Scholastic Art Awards
for being another "Artist of the Week" featured for a 2nd time!

Her photography earned several Honorable Mentions and a
Silver Key at this year's annual Scholastic Art Awards  -
making Morgan the most recognized RB artist
out of the 13 participants.

This is also the 3rd year in a row Morgan as earned awards at Scholastics!  Way to go SpARTan!

Madi White, Freshman

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Drawing & Painting

mediums, sculpture, graphite drawing

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in RB Fine Arts because it is very inclusive and fun. It allows me to express myself through creativity, and what makes it even better is the fact I get to do it with my friends! RB Fine Arts have also helped me discover new interests that I never knew I had.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is making plaster projects in my Intro to Studio Art class! It was so fun and we had a lot of laughs, it was a great time and experience!

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would encourage anyone to do it, especially if it is something you love! You will meet so many great people and experience great things! 

Future Plans

I would like to go to college and potentially major in forensic psychology.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play soccer and run track for RB.

Congratulations to Madi for her Scholastic Art Award!

The annual Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition for creative students’ grades 7-12.  This year RB had 6 students recognized for their work - and Madi was the only freshman to earn an award.

Her sculpture was awarded a Silver Key, the 2nd highest critique rating.  Way to go SpARTan!

Grace Wilson, Sophomore

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography
mediums, watercolors, photography

Drama Guild, Spamalot (props), Pride & Prejudice (props), Xanadu (props)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’ve always been into crafting, and knowing that there were programs and classes to do that helped me when coming into RB. That's what made me want to try out the crew for Drama. I love the experience and can’t wait to be part of more shows!

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory has been being and talking with my friends and helping each other with ideas in Photography class.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Definitely try it out! Even if you aren’t into art it’s a great program to get into to make a few new friends!

Future Plans

I definitely want to work with animals in my future, so I hope to go to college for that.

Other Involvement & Interests

I work at Gold Star.

Christopher Baverman, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Drawing & Painting, Photography, Digital Art, Fiber Arts
mediums, drawing, graphite, colored pencils
Drama Guild, Pride & Prejudice (costumes), Xanadu (costumes)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon because Art is very therapeutic to me. I can sometimes be a perfectionist with my artwork; but it is still enjoyable to me. I like to take visual art classes as it gives me a break within the school day to do something that I enjoy. During my time at RB I’ve taken five different art classes. I like to try out different classes that use different mediums to see what I like!

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory has been doing the costume quick changes during Pride and Prejudice.  

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’d say do it! You have four years at RB and they go by fast, so get involved and take different classes to see what you like. I personally have really enjoyed trying out different mediums in different classes. I also regret waiting until my junior year to start doing costumes for the Drama Guild. As it is something I have found to really enjoy and I wish I started sooner. So take the chances you get to try new things!

Future Plans

I currently have no idea what I want to do after I graduate from RB. I am planning on going to college somewhere in Ohio. For now, I'm enjoying high school and plan to start making decisions soon!

A costume piece Christopher helped design, tailor, and alter for the play Pride & Prejudice.

Kaden Jones, Freshman

Concert Band, piano

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the RB Fine Arts to improve my playing skills and make friends with people who are like me.

Favorite Memory

In Concert Band when the group of us are allowed to just play whatever we choose.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do it!  You’ll fit right in and meet lots of new people. 

Future Plans

Go to college and possibly major in psychology.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also can play some trumpet.
And I play football for RB.

Kaden was one of this year's recipients of the Dauwe Performing Arts Scholarship.  So far this year we have already seen him playing piano at all-school Mass and with Concert Band at last week's Christmas Concert.

Mark Zlatic, Sophomore

Concert Choir, baritone
RB3, keyboard, vocals

Drama Guild, Spamalot (Robin's Minstrel, ensemble)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved because the group of people involved in the Fine Arts at RB is fantastic!  And the arts give a way to bless those around me, and to improve myself.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is definitely the "RB's Got Talent!" win last year! 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Join the Choir!

Future Plans

My plans after Roger Bacon are to go to college, but mostly undecided from there.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also play soccer for RB, and am on the Ethics Bowl Team.

Mark has been featured as a soloist at all-school Mass, sung the National Anthem with the Choir, joined RB3 as a keyboard player for the Christmas Tour, and was a member of the winning "Freshmen Jamz Band" at last year's Talent Show!

See him on stage Thurs Dec 12 singing with Concert Choir AND playing with RB3 as a part of the RB Christmas Concert

Thurs Dec 12 at 7:30 in the FAC

Izze Wilson, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Drawing & Painting, 3D Art, Sculpture/Ceramics, Photography, Studio Portfolio
mediums, oil pastels and fabrics/sewing

Concert Band, saxophone, violin
Drama Guild, Newsies (ensemble),
We Will Rock You (Set/Prop/Run), Plaza Suite (costumes), Spamalot (costumes) Pride & Prejudice (costumes)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I always truly feel like I belong in any of the Fine Arts that I do at RB. There’s never a Drama rehearsal that I don’t have the time of my life during and I have met some of my closest friend's through the Drama Guild.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is closing night of Spamalot and growing closer with the people in my Studio Portfolio class.  I love all of the laughs shared in both of these settings.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts has provided myself and countless others with a support system and extremely close friends - so get involved!

Future Plans

I hope to go to college and attain a bachelor’s degree in
fashion design.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also play piano and guitar, and I swim during the summer and am on the Lacrosse team.

Kayla Kilgore, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography
mediums, photography, mixed media drawing
Drama Guild, Newsies (ensemble, JoJo), Hamlet (Laertes),
We Will Rock You (Bohemian Aretha), Plaza Suite (Norma - 90s),
Spamalot (featured dancer, Laker Girl),
Pride & Prejudice (Elizabeth Bennet)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the Fine Arts at RB because it is fun, inclusive, and allows me to create something the whole school can come together for.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was performing in Plaza Suite as Norma. On Friday night's opening, I could feel the energy in the audience and it was one of the most fun performances of my life. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I think everyone should try the Performing Arts, even if they don’t think acting is for them, because I promise there is a place for everyone whether it’s on stage or backstage.  Performing on stage seems scary at first and may seem like something you could never do but through the community I built in theater, I have gained so much courage.

Future Plans

I plan to attend college and study psychology, minoring in theater.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am an Assisi Scholar, and was a leader of the RB Cappies Critics Team

Kayla is another "Artist of the Week" being featured for the second time!
She was recognized as a Sophomore for her growth on stage in Hamlet - and now here she is again as a Senior about to to take the lead in Pride & Prejudice!  

Kayla enjoys visual art and has taken the Photography classes.  But the stage is where she found herself, as a dedicated member of the Drama Guild!  She always lights up whatever scene she's in - but she also puts in large amounts of effort and has really increased her skill as an actor.  Which is why she's also an awarded Assisi Scholar academically, and participates in numerous other activities.

Come see Kayla and the Drama Guild as they present
Pride & Prejudice
Open This Weekend - Nov 22, 23, 24

Maya DeStazio, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography, 3D Art, Sculpture/Ceramics
mediums, photography
Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (Alice), Newsies (Nunzio, newsie), Hamlet (swing, player), We Will Rock You (Yuppie, Gaga Kid, Bohemian), Plaza Suite (Muriel - 60s), Spamalot (featured dancer), Pride & Prejudice (Mary Bennet)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at RB because it is a place where I can express myself creatively. I have made so many friends and memories from being involved in the Fine Arts, and I have discovered new interests that I never knew I had.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is any of the show nights from the productions I have been a part of. There is so much community in the Drama Guild, and it is highlighted during these nights. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say to get out of your comfort zone and try it! You don’t have to know everything or already have skills to get involved. You never know what new interests you will discover, you just have to make that first step!

Future Plans

I am not sure what college I want to attend, but I want to study architecture.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also play lacrosse for RB, dance, and I am involved in the ASL Club, Thespian Honors Society, and National Honors Society.

Maya is another "Artist of the Week" being featured for the second time!
She was recognized way back when she was a Freshmen and earned the starring role on stage in Alice in Wonderland - and now here she is again as a Senior about to open Pride & Prejudice!  From one tea party to the next!

Not only has Maya taken several visual art and performing art electives; she's been a dedicated member of the Drama Guild - performing in every single show while at RB!  Whether as a lead actor, or a dancer in the ensemble - Maya always brings her best.  Which is why she's also an awarded Assisi Scholar academically, and participates in numerous other activities.

Come see Maya and the Drama Guild as they present
Pride & Prejudice
Nov 22, 23, 24

Pre-Order Tickets available now - use this link!

Ifechidelu Didi Orji, Junior

Visual Arts, Digital Art

mediums, digital and watercolor

Drama Guild, Pride & Prejudice
(Stage Manager)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love art. I like acting and I want to create comics.
But more specifically, I enjoy telling stories through art. That’s the reason I wanted to get involved with Fine Arts at RB.

Favorite Memory

When I got to help with one of the dancing rehearsals for Pride and Prejudice. I LOVE dancing and I haven’t really had that opportunity since I left home. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do it! Even if you end up feeling frustrated there’s always something you can learn about yourself.
And if you’re patient enough, you might just get really good at it. 

Future Plans

Going back to South Africa. Haha.

But I also hope to take the lessons I’ve learnt at Roger Bacon and share them with my people. There are a lot of amazing things happening here that I would like to share.

Other Involvement & Interests

I don’t always talk about it, but I love video editing! It’s another art and another way to tell stories. My favorite part is sharing the final product with others and seeing their reactions.

Didi has really flourished in the RB Fine Arts - as a transfer student from South Africa, she's jumped right in to all that RB has to offer.  She's gotten to show off her visual art techniques and work further in digital art - as well as being a great crew member for Drama Guild.
As a Stage Manager, she's taken blocking notes, organized rehearsal reports, helped with choreography, and lent a hand to publicity.

Come support Didi and the Drama Guild as they present
Pride & Prejudice
Nov 22, 23, 24

Pre-Order Tickets available now - use this link!

Kat Beyer, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art, Sculpture/Ceramics
mediums, mixed-media, ceramics
Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (Tweedledum),
Newsies (featured dancer, Ike)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts at RB because I love being able to express myself creatively and learn new things.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is the Drama Guild performances my freshman year and just being backstage and getting ready for the shows.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just go for it! Even if you're not the best or don’t think you can do it - there’s room for everyone to get involved.  From playing instruments to photography, acting to drawing and painting.
It's where you can Just find your passion.

Future Plans

I plan to go to college for Nursing to become a pediatric nurse.

Other Involvement & Interests

I’m involved in Cheerleading, Academic Team, NHS,
and an Assisi Scholar.

Ray Huffman, Senior

Concert Band, percussion, drumset, piano, guitar

Concert Choir, tenor
Drama Guild, Newsies (ensemble, Henry), Hamlet (Rosencrantz),
We Will Rock You (Galileo Figaro), Plaza Suite (Jesse - 90s),
Spamalot (Sir Galahad), Pride & Prejudice (Mr. Bingley)
RB3, drumset, vocals

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts are what drew me to this school in the first place. I knew I wanted to be involved with music, but doing the Fine Arts here at RB has shown me what I love to do most and what I want to do with my life.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is We Will Rock You. Queen is my favorite band, so getting to imitate Freddie Mercury and play drums in that show was like a dream come true to me. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do as much of it as you can and work hard at it! You can get so much out of these programs, and when you put the work in you can really create something special with all of your friends. It’s an amazing bonding experience for anyone involved. 

Future Plans

My plans are to continue playing music, hopefully go to CCM for Commercial Music Production, and hopefully release my own music!

Other Involvement & Interests

I work in entertainment at Kings Island. I also am in a band called ORAD with other Roger Bacon people. I’m also on the Community Outreach Board. I’m also a Senior Leader.

Ray is the first RB student to be featured as "Artist of the Week" TWICE!

He was recognized way back when he was a Freshmen - and now again as a Senior!!

His time in the RB Performing Arts has truly been amazing.
Ray has been a Dauwe Performing Arts Scholarship, Wes Neal Band Scholarship, Clark Family Drama Scholarship, and SoundBody Talent Scholarship winner. 
He has performed in every Band/Choir concert since his Freshmen year.
He's been a part of every "RB's Got Talent!" show, including multiple wins.

He's been a part of 6 Drama Guild productions, including a leading role in We Will Rock You - where he also WON a Cappie Award for Best Vocalist!

He has performed over 30 times with RB3, including football games, Christmas Tours, Fine Arts Festivals, Live concerts, and more!

What a truly talented SpARTan!

Ray was just recognized with RB3 at the Senior Night football game -
with a "rockin'" halftime show and Senior solos.

Make sure to come see him in ONE WEEK at RB3 LIVE in concert on 

Wed Oct 30th at 7:30 in the FAC

And again when Drama Guild presents Pride & Prejudice
Nov 22, 23, 24

Caleb Wagner, Sophomore

RB3, electric guitar, rhythm guitar

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the Fine Arts at RB because I am so strongly passionate for music.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory so far has been getting to perform at halftime for football games.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just do it! Performing is very fulfilling, and everyone you will meet is really kind.

Future Plans

I'm not sure yet, but I hope to keep playing guitar.

Other Involvement & Interests

I'm in RB's Guitar Class, and I also play some bass and sing and write my own songs.

Elsie Routt, Freshmen

Concert Choir, mezzo-soprano

Drama Guild, Pride & Prejudice
(Miss Caroline Bingley/Mrs Gardiner)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at Roger Bacon because I love to perform and to entertain and tell stories.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory at RB, so far, has been making new friends in the cast of Pride and Prejudice.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell someone who wants to be involved that it doesn’t matter if you mess up, it only matters that you keep going and grow stronger from your mistakes.  

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon, I think I would like to study acting or singing, in any one of the many ways these can be careers.

Other Involvement & Interests

My first time preforming was when I was three and I sang the ABCs in front of a crowd for a fundraiser. Since then, I have been apart of many productions and performances. I also play a bit of guitar, piano, and ukulele.

Elsie was one of this year's recipients of the Dauwe Performing Arts Scholarship.  She's put that to good use already - earning a spot on the cast of Pride & Prejudice, and being featured as a soloist for Mass with the Concert Choir.

You can see Elsie perform this week, when the Concert Choir sings the National Anthem at the Homecoming football game!

Teddy Borgert, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art, Ceramics
mediums, sculpture

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts at RB allow me to express myself through my creativity, and is something I look forward to everyday.  My love for art has grown with every class.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is last year’s 3D class with Mrs. Foley. She is such a great teacher and is always welcoming and looking to give you a helping hand. In her classes everyone gets along and loses track of time because she makes art so enjoyable.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Everyone should give the arts a try, no matter what skill you have because you will get better and you will definitely find a subject of Fine Arts that you will love. 

Future Plans

My plans after high school are to go to trade school
and pursue electrician certification.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also play volleyball and work as a lifeguard.

Joanie Appleby, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art
Drama Guild, Newsies (ensemble, Darcy),We Will Rock You (Bohemian, pit orchestra), Plaza Suite (Jean/Mimsy - 60s), Spamalot (Minstrel),
Pride & Prejudice (props)
Concert Band, guitar, piano, percussion, flute

RB3, vocals, guitar

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I decided to get involved in the Fine Arts at RB because I had many hobbies, such as playing guitar and singing, and I found a place where I could explore those interests more. The Fine Arts here really gave me a space to thrive and do all my favorite things.  It also gave me more opportunities than I thought I could ever have. Along with that, I was able to meet some of my best friends through the arts which has made these programs even better.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory would have to be running around the hallways dressed as our Spamalot characters and promoting the show. Going around, knighting teachers, making fools of ourselves, and acting like we were in a different world was so much more fun than I thought it would be.
I also love just getting to preform with my friends and duet with them on songs. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell someone who wants to get involved with the Fine Arts to just go and do it. Don’t be nervous. Everyone is super encouraging and you’ll find your family here. 

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon I’m planning on going to NKU and majoring in Media Production.

Other Involvement & Interests

I've also been interested in film and have worked on some productions.
I was able to help with a music camp at my church this past summer where I got to play guitar for them which was fun. 

But I just like to make music with my friends.

Keira Hedrington, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art 1, Photo 1, Drawing & Painting 1&2, Fibers, Studio Portfolio

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at RB because art has just always been a passion of mine.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is walking into the Studio Portfolio class everyday knowing that my friends are going to make me laugh no matter what mood I’m in. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say that it is great opportunity to meet people who are have similar interests and experiences as you. It is also a good way to expand your social circle and to be more active in RB’s community.  

Future Plans

I plan to go to UC and study either at DAAP or in marine biology.

Andrew Brokesh, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography 1&2
mediums, photography

RB3, manager, sound crew, guitar

Concert Band, guitar, bass, piano

Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (sound crew), Newsies (sound crew), Hamlet (Stage Manager),
We Will Rock You (sound crew),
Plaza Suite (sound crew), Spamalot (Stage Manager), Pride & Prejudice (Stage Manager)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at RB because I have always loved everything to do with the arts, whether performing or visual. The arts allow me to truly express myself and have fun while doing it.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory has to be every single opening night of every Drama guild show. It gives me a sense of pride, putting on an amazing show for people to enjoy and seeing how it creates this type of unique and ambitious energy and excitement. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Totally get involved! Every day is an opportunity to experience new things that you just might enjoy for the rest of your life. The Fine Arts has a wide range of activities with something for everyone. Getting involved with the Fine Arts at RB is one of the best ways to find a new favorite activity, it certainly did for me.   

Future Plans

I plan on majoring in music education.

Other Involvement & Interests

Not only have I started picking up other instruments at RB, but I was also a Cappie Critic and I run Cross Country. Outside of school, I have been participating in the theater group Bart's Bards for 10 years. This past summer I had the opportunity to lead my own stage crew for the first time.

Claire Evans, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Drawing & Painting 1&2, Studio Portfolio

mediums, graphite illustrations, acrylic, watercolor paints

Drama Guild, Newsies (Editor Seitz, Out-of-town Newsie), Hamlet (Horatio), We Will Rock You (Bohemian), Plaza Suite (Karen - Act 1, 60s),
Spamalot (Prince Herbert), Pride & Prejudice (Lady Catherine)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at RB because I’ve always had a passion for art and theater. I have always had a love for drawing and painting ever since I was a young kid. Roger Bacon has provided me with many wonderful art classes where I was able to develop my technique and improve the quality of my art pieces. I also found a great community and wonderful friends through joining the Drama Guild.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is preforming in “Plaza Suite”. It was my first ever lead role and it helped me come out of my shell and become more confident in myself. It also led to me making lifelong friendships with the other actors and crew.

What would you say to someone who wants to get 

involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say to go for it! Joining the Visual and Preforming Arts at Bacon is a great way to make close friendships and meet lots of new people.

Future Plans

I plan to attend collage and one day work as a concept artist for Pixar Animation Studios. My dream collage is Cleveland Institute of Art.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am a member of the varsity girls bowling team, a Senior Leader, and also play fulte.